Sherry Mumford, Ph.D.
Executive Director

Dr. Mumford holds degrees in Child and Youth Care, Criminology/Criminal Justice as well as in Counselling. She received her Ph.D. in 2015. She was awarded the Kaiser 2011 National Award for Excellence in Leadership. Sherry has worked positions as a front-line worker and also a clinician for more than 12 years in withdrawal management, day treatment, outpatient services and residential services with youth, adults and young adults. She worked for 17 years for Fraser Health Authority, retiring in 2017 as a Director in the MHSU portfolio, overseeing all substance use services in that geographical area. Her experience in planning, implementing, evaluating, policy development, operations etc. has led to local, national and international work including the national Needs Based Planning project with Dr. Brian Rush.

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c/o Turning Point Recovery Society
Suite 260 - 7000 Minoru Blvd
Richmond, BC, V6Y 3Z5
