Our Vision, Mission & Values
At BCARA, our mission is to provide leadership, collaboration, and a unified voice to decision-makers, ensuring an enhanced network of recovery-oriented and research-informed addiction services are readily available and prioritized. We accomplish that mission through the lens of our core values which include equity, integrity, collaboration, innovation and progress.
About Us
The BC Addiction Recovery Association (BCARA), formerly known as the Recovery Council of BC, was borne out of the early work of BC Centre on Substance Use in 2016 recognizing “Recovery” as an integral part of the continuum of interventions for individuals impacted by addiction and to have a collective voice of providers in responding to the emerging opioid crisis and the increase in substance use / concurrent mental health disorders.

Become a Member
Becoming a member of BCARA provides you or your organization the opportunity to collaborate with other industry professionals in creating standardized equitable policies, standards and regulations in the addictions and recovery sector. Our members collaborate through knowledge exchange and a defined community of practice in an effort to define policy and communicate to governmental organizations and decision makers.
Recovery Resources
See our definitions/navigating the system sections for detailed information about the recovery/addictions sector.
Key definitions in addictions, treatment and recovery including some revised by our members. We recognize that there are many differences in defining these terms depending on where you find them, these definitions are the ones we feel fall in line with our missions and values.
Navigating the System
Navigating the system can be a daunting task for families and individuals experiencing addiction, as well as individuals who are new to the field of addiction recovery. This section intends to demystify or simplify the system by providing a basic overview. By understanding the system, we can better understand how to provide a continuum of care and address any gaps therein.
Knowledge Exchange
Knowledge exchange is key to our mission – “to provide leadership in ensuring an enhanced network of recovery-oriented and research-informed addiction services is available.”
Community of Practice
Developing a sector-level community of practice is integral to efficient knowledge exchange. We are developing a COP in partnership with the Community Action Initiative, as part of our strategic planning goals.
Recommended Reading
Recommended reading for individuals who are navigating the system, looking for resources available, seeking help with substance use issues or professionals looking to build their knowledge in the areas of addictions and recovery.
& Volunteer Opportunities
Working with BC Addiction Recovery Association offers diverse employment opportunities, ranging from certified counselors and therapists to administrative roles, providing individuals with a chance to contribute to the transformative recovery journey. Additionally, numerous volunteer opportunities exist within this sector, allowing individuals to make a meaningful impact by offering support, organizing community outreach programs, or participating in peer mentoring initiatives.

Contact Us
Inquire about our current initiatives and Membership
Featured News
Find out more about BCARA’s role in the Addiction Recovery Sector
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Head Office
c/o Turning Point Recovery Society
Suite 260 - 7000 Minoru Blvd
Richmond, BC, V6Y 3Z5